Saturday, November 22, 2008

Silly mommy

John and I bought Nico a new sippy cup last weekend. He has a Kleen Kanteen that I'm sure we'll love when he becomes a little more adept at sippy drinking, but for right now, it's really hard for him to drink out of. I like the idea of a stainless steel cup because they're easier to clean and you don't have to worry about all the yucky stuff in plastics. Not to mention I can't seem to get a plastic one that is Nico proof. He always manages to make them leak. So, when we found this one, we bought it! It works pretty well and Nico seems to like it. The other day I handed him the sippy cup and got my camera to take a few pictures. It seemed to be dripping a lot and I was getting a little frustrated with it. He turned the cup over right as I took a picture and water just poured onto the rug. (Luckily it was just water!) See?

Well, when I went to examine it, I found the problem. I forgot to put the valve in! Silly me! Needless to say, it works MUCH better with the valve inserted properly.
Here he is carrying it around.

And he found a new toy the other day. My wallet! He played with that thing for a good half hour.

Of course, my mom says he looks like a girl in this picture. It must be because he's so pretty.

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