Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Friday was John's birthday and Nico helped me get things ready. I decided to let him decorate the "wrapping paper" for the gifts. I just gave him a few sheets of construction paper, his markers and let him have at it. Almost as much ended up on his face as went on the paper.

Nico also had fun helping Daddy open his presents.

John's first gift was a new Wii fitness game. The other gift was a blanket that I made for him. Nico recently got a new bedding set that a friend of mine made for him. When it arrived, John joked that he wanted a blanket like Nico's because it was so soft. So I found some fabric that John really likes (it's the same print as Nico's diaper!) and sewed him one. He loved it. Nico, on the other hand, was not so into posing for pictures.

This seemed to be the facial expression of the day for Nico.

1 comment:

Mom said...

He sure looks like you in that first picture. S0000 Cute.