Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Okay, so I know it's a little early, but we took Nico to see Santa Claus today. When we were at our play date yesterday, I saw that Santa was already at the mall. So I told John that we should go ahead and take Nico to get his picture made before the crazy lines start. I did not want to stand in line for hours with a squirmy baby. So we went today and walked right up and got it done. We dressed Nico in his Christmas outfit that his Aunt Pam bought for him while we were in Texas. He looked adorable! When I first sat him down on Santa's lap, I thought he was going to cry, but the photographer was able to get his attention and take a few good shots. He didn't really smile. I think he was just a little unsure about the big, hairy man in the red suit that was holding him. But look how cute it turned out!

Doesn't he look so mature? I can't get over how old he looks!
After doing Santa pictures, we went to JC Penny and got some more photos done. We ordered some Christmas cards and then got some other pictures too. They had a really great backdrop for Christmas. They had a little couch with a fireplace and Christmas tree behind it. We took those with Nico in his Christams outfit. Then we changed him into the same diaper and hat that I took the gumball machine pictures in. We also added his red and white striped babylegs. It looked really cute. For those, they just had a white background for some and others they put him in a giant gift box. They all turned out so good! I can't wait to get those back next week!


Michelle said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one...I'm bringing Kaitlyn to see Santa tomorrow! I love your blog...
(BTW, I'm not a crazy stalker...I know John from Semester at Sea!)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how grown up he looks... Give him a big hug and kiss for me.. I love you!!