Sunday, November 30, 2008


While my mom was here, we also decorated our apartment for Christmas. She wanted to see Nico with the tree and everything, so we put it all up the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We bought a bunch of plush ornaments to go around the bottom of the tree for Nico to be able to touch and hold. Of course, he wanted all of the shiny balls. So pretty much all of the decorations are at the top. It looks a little silly, but I don't have to worry about Nico touching the tree. He's really enjoying the plush ornaments now too. He loves to take them off and carry them around. Here he is with the Christmas tree box. He LOVED that thing!

And decorating (more like UNdecorating) the tree.

My mom also bought an awesome Nativity set for Nico (and me). It's made by Boyd's Bears and it's so cute! Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus are plush bears so it doesn't hurt for Nico to play with them. He's been carrying the camel around for days.

Isn't it adorable? Nico just loves it.

And here he is with the decorated tree.

Those last three pictures were taken with our fancy new camera. Aren't they great? It takes such clear shots. We're in love! So expect to see lots more pictures of the little man. It's awesome because you can take shot after shot with no delay like the old one. Now we're able to get tons more action shots. I can't wait to play with it even more.

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