Anyway, it has opened up the fireplace and sliding glass door that were previously blocked off by the love seat. The fireplace isn't such a big deal because the hearth is only one brick high and Nico's pretty sure footed. I know there still a chance that he could fall into it, so we've covered the edges with a blanket. I've just decided that I can't constantly worry over it. The problem is, Nico has realized that if he crawls onto the hearth, he can get behind the Christmas tree and unplug the lights. I've put the Bumbo chair back there to try and keep him out, but it's not really working. First he pulled the chair out. So I put it back. Now he's realized that he doesn't even have to pull it out, he can reach the plug just by leaning over it. Ugh! When I'm finally able to deter him from the plug, he starts going around to the other side of the tree. That's even worse! We have his bouncy play gym thing stuck behind the love seat (mostly because we have no where else to put it!), and that was keeping him from going into the kitchen. But yesterday he realized that he could climb under it. So I tried to block it with the baby bouncy seat and a kitchen chair. Nope, that didn't work either. He got down on his belly and army crawled under the kitchen chair. I truly didn't think he could even fit under it, especially with his big cloth diaper bum, but he did! Anyway, after he got into the kitchen this morning, I decided I'd just let him hang out in there. I was trying to make a birthday card and didn't feel like chasing him in and out of the kitchen. After a few minutes, I looked over what did I see? This.

That little booger some how crawled under his high chair! I thought for sure he was stuck, but he was able to get out....and then he tried to get back in there again! Silly boy. He was having a ball.
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