Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas party

We went to a Christmas party last weekend up in Seattle. It was just a bunch of friends, some of whom had yet to meet Nico, so he got to come a long too. I told John it would have been kind of nice to have had a night without him, but oh well! Everyone was really glad that we brought him. And a lot of the girls there work with kids, so they even had some toys for him to play with! Here he is playing with dog....or the dog's ball anyways.

And then chasing after the puppy.

He learned to climb the stairs. Don't worry, he was well supervised.

And he made some new friends.
Here he is climbing up to Shauna.

And hanging with his buddy, Ty.

And here's the whole group.

We ended up having a really good time and Nico got to stay up extra late! Merry Christmas!

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