Friday, June 27, 2008

Nico's new thing

Yesterday I was folding diaper laundry. Nico was helping.
Or maybe he was just rolling around in it. Whatever. He did a really good job anyway. See?

Well after we finished folding the laundry and putting it away, I stuck Nico in the laundry basket and dragged him into the living room. He sat in that thing for the longest!

So we decided to play in it again today. Apparently it was just as much fun.

And man, does he LOVE that Cookie Monster. Poor thing's all crunchy from where he's sucked on it so much. So it looks like I've found a new way to entertain the little man when I need to get things done. Just stick him in the basket and drag him from room to room!
Oh, and I finally put together his walker, too. I think I'm going to leave it out on the balcony so we can spend some time outside during the days. It's been pretty nice during the afternoons here, but I haven't had any place to put him out there. Here he is enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

I love his little oooh face. He's so cute.

Anonymous said...

The comment was supposed to be with the walker picture.